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Onoff Research is a unique tool that allows you to conduct quantitative online research based on large samples of respondents.

The data obtained from the research can be presented separately according to any of the user profiling criteria. For example, according to socio-demographic or geographical indicators.

How we work

Free consultation

Feel free to contact us to get more information on this or any other product

Concept creation

We know that communication campaigns are quite a tough thing. Let us help you with it.

Campaign Management

We manage all the traffic flow during the campaign trying to acchieve your business goals.


You can enquire a to-date report any time during the campaign. And for sure we'll send you the final one after it's finished.

Pricing list


1 500 AED/m

  • 1 500 clicks for Onoff Basic
  • Using Predictor or Super Geo
  • Package of 6 static banners
  • UTM, Tracking
  • Full media report
Premium Video Plus

10 000 AED/m

  • 90 000 impression for Onoff Premium Video
  • 500 clicks for Onoff Basic Remarketing
  • Small survey (5 questions)
  • Using Predictor or Super Geo
  • Package of 6 static banners
  • UTM, Tracking
  • Full media report